Follow Jesus

I've said "YES" to Jesus
You've put your faith in Jesus Christ as the leader and Savior of your life. That's huge! Making that decision is the first step in a lifelong journey of getting to know God and the plans he has for you.
P.S. If you made that decision, we'd love to know and celebrate with you! Let us know and we'll follow up with some great starting options for you as you begin your journey with Jesus.

I'm curious about Jesus & Christianity
Questions about faith are normal & expected, even for people who have been walking with Jesus for many years. It's a journey, and we're all learning through it! While you're considering what it looks like to follow Jesus, here are some frequently asked questions.
If you have access to a Bible or a Bible app on your phone, it would be a great companion to these FAQs. They reference verses from the Bible often, usually in parentheses. example: (Ephesians 2:8-9)